GEN Wesley Clark, USA (ret)
Former Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
General Wesley Clark retired as a four star general after 38 years in the United States Army, having served in his last assignments as Commander of US Southern Command and then as Commander of US European Command and Supreme Allied Commander, Europe. In 1966, he graduated first in his class at West Point and completed degrees in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University (B.A. and M.A.) as a Rhodes Scholar. While serving in Vietnam, he commanded an infantry company in combat, where he was severely wounded and evacuated home on a stretcher. He helped write and negotiate significant portions of the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement and was the principal author of both the US National Military Strategy and Joint Vision 2010, prescribing US warfighting for full-spectrum dominance. In his final assignment as Supreme Allied Commander Europe he led NATO forces to victory in Operation Allied Force, a 78-day air campaign, backed by ground invasion planning and a diplomatic process, saving 1.5 million Albanians from ethnic cleansing. General Clark is a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, among numerous other honors and commendations. General Clark is also the Founding Chair of City Year Little Rock/North Little Rock. a Senior Fellow at UCLA’s Burkle Center for International Relations, and Director of the Atlantic Council.